4 Week Sessions Pre Registered Classes
******July 6-30 ********August 3-28
$45.00 per 4 week Session
(NEW LOCATION) 26A Main St West Beeton, Ontario
Pre- registration and pre=payment required
Drop in Available if space $14.00 per class call ahead
MONDAYS: 10-11am Gentle Stretch 50 Plus (Younger Welcome)
Power walk prior to Yoga 9:15am -9:45am (walking with Audra) 2 minutes fast 2 minutes slow, get in some cardio before class
6-7pm Basic Yoga
7:15pm -8:15pm Basic Yoga
TUESDAYS 6:45pm -7:45pm Basic Yoga
WEDNESDAYS 10-11am Gentle Stretch 50 Plus (Younger Welcome)
Power walk prior) to Yoga (9:15am-9:45am) With Audra Coburn Weather Permitting
THURSDAYS 4-5pm Yoga for Teens 12-18
THURSDAYS 6:45pm -7:45pm Basic Yoga
Friday am Class cancelled till Fall
Fall classes:
Yoga for kids, Yoga for Teens, , also Yoga Partner class, Meditation Class dates and times TBA
Please note minimum registrants for classes to run
Call to Register 905-729-9021 Cathy
Schomberg Classes at the Library start TUESDAYS Sept 8-2009 - Dec 15-2009)
4-8pm details of classes TBA
Teen Yoga 4-5
Basic Yoga Beginners 5:30-6:30
6:45 -7:45 Basic Yoga Adult
Come Join the Yoga Journey in your Community :) NAMASTE 905-729-9021
Cathy :)
Come Join Facebook ( Cathy Clark) One Love One Heart Yoga
Winner Beeton Honey Festival Draw ...................Joy Murray ......May 23-09 Congratulations