Just wanted to share the experience I had May 1 and 2 at East Village Yoga, they hosted a workshop with Susi Aldous Hately and it was awesome.
If your in pain or you have ever been in pain, you can learn how the body operates and prevent pain and eliminate it. Being mindful of Kinesiology and the mechanics of the body, with the breath.
This workshop was about getting out of pain and how therapuetic Yoga is just in its infancy, Susi has developed a great series of tecniques and worskhops and I intend to join her in September of this year to experience more of her great teachings.
I was blown away in the 2 days I spent learning the art of going inside and slowing down and being mindful of even how my femur bone has a range of motion and going to the edge can cause you pain down the road. Knowing when a stretch is not a good stretch you can still go to far and be the creator of your own pain in your body.
I had to learn pain from discomfort and how you listen for the whisper, the warning that comes before the discomfort. How not going to the edge is a focus you need to respect with your body.
The use of the black strips to release lumbar and thoracic spine, the ball techniques, and the range of motion sequences to really get to you to become aware of how your body operates.
I have used the techniques in the classes all this week and the response has been amazing, can we do more etc. It is fun to teach and amazing to watch the students get it the concept too. So am thrilled how receptive the class was and I was so glad to share with my students what I learned at that workshop.
In the near future a Therapuetic class will be offered so look on the schedule for updates.
If your interested in Susi Aldous Hately just vist her site. She is truly an amazing mentor and I look forward to more training with her this fall and I am excited to share it with you. Pure movement, getting out of pain. What a concept, listen to the whispers before they become screams.
Class Schedule updates ZUMBA CLASSES Start May 13th and Belly Dance Classes 8 week sessions, Michele will be doing 2 classes on Wednesday nights 6pm Meditation Restorative Yoga 7:30pm Bliss Body Yoga
Welcome to May happy spring to you all See you on the Mat Cathy