As most of you know I recently went on a 4 week Detox Plan and I wanted to share my experience on the blog. The detox started Feb the 8th to March the 7th. 2010
I have always wondered what it would be like to try a detox, I did some searching around and came across the book.
The 4 Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan (Paperback)
by Michelle Schoffro Cook (Author) I purchased it from and it arrived within 3 days of ordering.
I took a week to read it over and pondered my thoughts, could I do this? Give up dairy, coffee, no alcohol, eat organic meat once a week, pay attention to what I actually was putting in my body,and on my body right down to the shampoo and conditioner? Even noting the cleaning products that I was using.
As I took the week prior to read the book and I made lists of what I needed to buy and set out to do that. Supplements, herbal teas, aloe vera juice, flaxseed oil etc.
All along still wondering how hard is this going to be and what am I going to feel like? Can I really do this? Sure I can.
The night before the detox I opted to have a have a steak and glass of wine.
(for some bizarre reason it felt like it would be my last)
I then started the first day of detox Feb 8th, honestly I thought I would not get through the first day, I just kept telling myself it is only four weeks it is not forever. Give this a chance and see how you feel. The next 7 days I had some wicked headaches, some like I have never felt before. I was never really hungry but I was craving things I had never thought about in a long time. Yoga blocks looked like giant brownies......just kidding.
I found if you kept eating every 3 hours or so you were better, and let me tell you going out forget it, there is really nothing available for you unless you go to a grocery store and get fruit or have almonds on you which I did after the first week.
No restaurants around here that offer organic food and no salt, etc.
Some days I would think about things like meat? chocolate? A Guinness? I was wondering why I was having the thoughts, more than ever, but I realised that emotions and food are connected. Also that you always want what you do not have I think that was part of it too.
When you think about it we eat to celebrate,we eat when we are hungry and we eat when we are sad too.
The second week it got easier, but meal planning was very time consuming and you had to become creative, nothing processed everything from scratch. Soups and salads brown rice, brown basamati rice, fruit and smoothies, flax seed etc.
I have spent a lot of time in the kitchen prepping etc, I found on Sundays it was a good day to make a soup, then cabbage rolls, salad dressing etc. to have on hand when you were strapped for time.
My mind was always thinking on how to be creative and I made brown basamati rice cabbage rolls and put in walnuts and cranberries and small bits of carrots. Just made it up in my head what might taste good. They were great.
I forgot to mention, I asked my husband to join me on the detox journey, and he obliged, I would have to say he took it harder than me and his heachaches were worse and he was very tired the first two weeks he slept alot. He was always laying down as soon as he got home from work. He has been a trooper through all of this and it was a great support for me. It would be great if you have someone to go through this with and not be alone.
Week 3 the compliments were flying at me left right and centre, you look really good, your eyes are clearer, you have more energy and your skin looks so healthy, just overall really good feedback. Myself, I felt better, I really did I could feel more energy and a clearer mind too. You know the best part is the not bloated feeling,I never feel bloated ever. I like that.
Now I am considering keeping some of the plan in action once the 4 weeks is up. Like eliminating the dairy and for sure meat will be twice to 3 times a week only. I have learned to create and make some good veggie dishes and rice dishes. Tons of great soups too. You really are what you eat, if you eat crap you feel like crap but if you eat healthy you feel healthy.
Week 4 the start is here and seven days to go I am feeling I am on the backstetch heading for home, it is exciting but I wonder why, what is that about, it about staying true to the plan or just knowing that I have done what I set out to do? I wonder if I will go back to my old ways and I feel fear of that but I talk myself into how much better I feel and that sets me straight.
Would I do this again, yes for sure, I am alreay planning for mid November to December.
If you have any questions etc. or are considering trying this Detox I highly recommend it. What does my husband say? He said it was really hard but he feel great too, he found the first two weeks really tough.
I asked him are you going to join me again in Novemeber he said sure why not :)
Why you need to spring clean your body
Your body is naturally equipped with a self-cleaning process. But too much sugar, caffeine, processed foods, stress, and too little exercise can slow the body's natural detox function to a slow pace. And then your body can't clean itself when it is put up against the increasing number of harmful and toxic substances in the environment. Toxins come in many forms: pesticides in produce, formaldehyde in carpets and cosmetics, PCBs from plastic containers, dioxins from bleached paper products, and more.
Your body will process and eliminate some of the hordes of chemicals that enter, but overflow gets stored in the liver, lungs, kidneys, fat cells, intestines, blood stream, and skin—which can result in chronic illnesses down the road. When you undergo a detox, you get these toxins out of your system.
How do you know if you need a detox?
You know you're suffering from toxic overload if you are experiencing fatigue, memory decline, difficulty focusing, allergies and infections, irritability, anxiety and depression, difficulty with weight gain and weight loss, muscle and joint pain or weakness, skin rashes and outbreaks, recurrent yeast and fungal infections, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and indigestion.
Myself, after trying a detox, I recommend it, and reports have shown that when a person detoxs they have an improvment in their sypmtoms they had prior to the detox. At first, you may feel a little fuzzy because of the toxins being released and get some headaches. However, when you stick with it, you will begin to feel more alert, energized, and full of vitality. So I have heard lately the Yoga classes are little more vigorous :)
Come to think of it my Yoga practice is even better, there is more energy in my body and I feel stronger and healthier too. I crave the Yoga more now than ever.
The feel good endorphins are plenty and I welcome the increased stamina.
Monday March 8th I woke up refreshed and I reached for the hot water and lemon drink I have been consuming for the last month. I never thought about having a coffee that was strange. I think now, that I am on another journey.
Yoga Class schedule visit:
Any questions or comments contact me @ 905-729-9021 or email: